Undertaken Projects

2010 Project: “Economic strengthening thanks to micro-credit funds, for activities such as Rural Tourism, Agriculture, Farming, Craft and craft fishing in the communities of Capachica District, and Amantaní Island – Puno, Peru”, with the financing of the Association DEPARTS – France.

From 2010 to 2017, 170 entrepreneur families who work in activities such as agriculture, farming, craft hand-weaving, craft fishing and rural community tourism benefited from this important pilot project, for a total amount of 37 000 soles as rotating fund.
The main goal of his project is to create jobs but also to improve their standard of living. Another aim is to avoid rural exodus that is common in Peru, by inciting women to become creditor to the rotating fund of micro-credit.

2011 – 2012 – 2013 Project: “Economic strengthening of families that promote rural eco-tourism in the four communities of Capachica District- Puno, Peru” with the financing on PNUD, OIT and MINCETUR programs– Peru.

Between 2011 and 2013, economic strengthening was made possible thanks to the building of complete and new kitchens in the 25 guest houses in the four communities of Capachica District- Puno.

Work such as land identification for the building and/or extension of the families’ kitchens, building of ecological kitchens with ovens, closets and sinks have been performed.
To obtain this result, purchase of tools, formation and technical assistance have been provided by the project.

The main goal is to promote rural community tourism by improving services and human capacities to create incomes.

From 2012 to 2016 Project: “Strengthening of rural tourism in the communities of Amantaní Island and Capachica – Puno, Peru” with the financing of the Fair Trade Tourism CULTURE CONTACT – France.

Thanks to this project, 35 entrepreneur’s families of Rural Community Tourism from the communities of Capachica and Amantaní Island have benefited of:

  • 2011 Capacities strengthening in Andin gastronomy, customer service, intern management, cook lessons and basic courses of French and English in the communities of Capachica District and Amantaní Island.
  • 2012 and 2013 Quay building for travelers and fishers arrivals in Paramís community, in Capachica District.
  • 2014 Building of new kitchens in 10 families from the communities of Incatiana and Lampayuni, in Amantaní District
  • 2015 Quay building in Ccotos community for the Fishers Association, in order to ease the development of Rural Community Tourism (TRC) and the marketing of Titicaca Lake products.
  • 2016 12 families from the communities of Incatiana and Lampayuni in Amantaní Island District have benefited from the setting up of family organic vegetable garden. The main objectives are the consumption of fresh and organic vegetables, time-saving and economic savings for the entrepreneur families of Rural Community Tourism.


Between 2013 and 2017 Project: “Solar panels setting up for the implementation of Rural Community Tourism in the Health Center of Capachica District and Amantaní Island – Puno, Peru” with the financing of the NGO Electricity Without Border (Electricité Sans Frontière ESF) – France.

In 2013, 34 families from the countryside of Amantaní, Taquile and Uros Ccapi Titino floating Island, have benefited this project in order to improve their conditions of living. Thanks to the setting up of solar panels, tourism services have been improved, with a solar electric energy supply.

In 2017, solar panels have been settled up in the Health Center, and a priority was given to the odontology consultation service.
This project will benefit to 4 000 inhabitants from the sixteen communities of Amantaní District.

This project has been very useful for the families because since now, they had to go to Puno or Juliaca for a consultation, which was a great loss of time and money.


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