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Rural Tourism
Marketing and trading around Rural Community Tourism.
Help ASTURS and the entrepreneurs in trading and promoting of RCT, by providing better negotiation conditions and by improving the range of touristic experiences in the region of Puno, with authentic and differentiated offers.
Moreover, it will allow cultural exchanges and rich experiences, based on respect and enhancing customs and ancestral cultures.
Architect design of guest-houses of Rural Community Tourism, at 3800 m of altitude
Help RCT entrepreneurship with organic or sustainable architecture, offering quality designs and minimizing impact on environment. In other words, it consists in satisfying people’ needs without having any negative impact on the environment. The houses will be built with regional materials.
Sustainable architecture should take into account the following aspects: climatic conditions (exposure, ventilation, light of the sun and sun protection), reduce energy consumption for heating systems; try to replace this demand with renewable energies.
Drawing up touristic resources inventory and a Strategic Plan of Touristic Development
The region of Puno is the second destination in Peru, with its key destination: Titicaca Lake.
This is an important asset for the region. After the analysis of intern and extern factors that affect rural community tourism in the region, the task is about a strategic planification processus to draw up. This planification includes vision, mission and objectives in short-term, as political strategies needed for the growth of tourism in the region of Puno. The activities to set up during the plan are: building of infrastructures, innovative products creation, marketing plans, courses in human resources and improve the quality of tourist attendance. The main goal of these strategies is to increase the number of tourists and the duration of their stay, in a sustainable way and on a long-term.
Finally, the creation of new entrepreneurship rural community association is fostered. An other task is also to manage the partnerships, in particular with politic entities and private ones, like NGOs.
Sales and transaction
Help to draw up, design, organize services and touristic offers on the national territory, in order to sale them through the website, social networks, international operators and travel agencies by selling them directly to the tourists.
Culture and education
Take part in an educational and artistic project, by working with children. This program consists in support children in formal education through games, artistic expression and motivation. Theses activities can be completed by organizing other work groups in rooms of art museum, museums and libraries, or other places related to culture.
Setting up of environmental good practices in community tourism
ASTURS promotes and incorporates in its actions environmental awareness and work with people involved in environmental activism, through volunteering. The volunteer will help in specific activities such as communication plans and their sustained, and has to keep in mind the deadlines prior fixed. This information will then be published on ASTURS website, in order to inform tourists and to show them their action contributes to the conservation of the environment.
Moreover, the volunteer will help to organize courses in primary and second schools, about the necessity to preserve the environment. The main part of this volunteering consists in helping in initiatives and awareness campaigns, by showing our projects to potential backers to obtain financing.
It will be the same for volunteers that are involved in communication, computer, development projects, photography, videos, internet..
Social services: Help to the organizations (management): administrative tasks, financing search for activities of agriculture, farming, fishing and craft.
Cooperation: collaborate directly in a project with an organization, doing activities of awareness and research of funding.
DESCRIPTION to work with new partners
ASTURS needs operators and travel agencies for sustainable tourism. A Solidarity trip consists in respecting local customs, promoting local development, reduce ecological and cultural prints, encourage cultural exchange, take part in Solidarity projects for the improvement of touristic offers and to increase the standard of living of the families.